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Growth Newsletter

Edition 404 -Inflexible Banking

Australia’s four big banks really need to change their ways around how they lend to small and family business. If they don’t, a large disruptor is going to enter the finance space, quickly erode their small business market and in the process, put the business models of each of them at significant risk. Maybe that’s the rocket they need!

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Edition 403 – Flicker of Hope

I’ve been working with small and family businesses, and their owners, for more than three decades. It’s been an insightful and enjoyable journey, where I’m always grateful to have the opportunity to be invited into their businesses, their homes and their lives.

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Edition 402 – Playing Off

The building and construction industry really is messed up! You have a bunch of medium and larger players who control proceedings in terms of projects. They’re the ones that are negotiating the contracts with whomever the client is – Governments, Large Corporates, Developers.

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Edition 401 – Blessed

It’d been a long day in a client meeting. An early start combined with a late afternoon finish consisted of a lot of talking, advice and guidance. It was a very productive day,  much like the ones where you feel you’ve made an impact in someone’s life and their business.

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Edition 400 – Creative Writing

Back in January 2016, I commenced writing Growth and today, we’re celebrating 400 editions. Save for a couple of weeks each Christmas break, it’s almost 8 years that I’ve been writing this. Thanks to everyone that has read it, sent replies and provided commentary.

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Edition 399 – South Pacific

We grabbed our bags off the carousel, flung them onto one of the ubiquitous airport trolleys and made our way for the exit. The friendly face holding the sign of the company that arranged our transfer from Nadi Airport, in Fiji, to the Shangri La Yanuca Island, took us outside into the humid warmth of the night time air and introduced us to our driver.

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Edition 398 – The Commute

I stepped out for coffee early on a weekday. It’s not often I do, but on this day, with an appointment free diary and some prep work to get underway on an upcoming workshop for a group of professionals, I packed up my gear and headed for my local coffee place.

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Edition 396 – What’s Your Exit

I recently had occasion to spend time with around 40 small and family business owners attending a conference in Fiji.  As a guest speaker at the event, one of my tasks was to facilitate some short information sessions, talking with business owners about whatever happened to be on their mind.

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