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Edition 434 – Common Courtesy

I’m at an event and spot someone in the distance. I offer a wave, and one is returned. We make our way through the crowd, occasionally interrupted on our journey, to say hello to some others. Eventually, we meet up with the individual in question, and, being the first time they’ve met each other, I introduce my wife. A brief hello from them, is then met with a 180 degree pivot – the turning of the back.

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Edition 428 – Knowing The Numbers

Sadly, very few small and family business owners have a real understanding of the numbers in their business. And, in spite of the great advances in financial information, particularly via technology, over the past 25 years, I can say with a high degree of confidence that business owners haven’t kept pace in terms of their financial skill set.

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Edition 426 – Planting Seeds

The landlord is playing hard-ball on a lease renewal. They want a substantial increase in the rent the business is paying, as well as a contribution to capital improvements to the property. The landlord’s agent, acting as their proxy, is doing the negotiations, if that’s what you call them, and is happy to play “bad cop”.

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