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Edition 430 – Obstacles

I do wonder if those that face obstacles in their lives, at some stage, end up the most successful, the most contented and the most understanding of what their purpose in life is.

Like the early 40’s mother of four, who is working towards her health degree via a long and winding road. She’s had personal challenges, right since she was a young child, yet has dug deep, found personal happiness, is confident in her faith and is now 12 months away from achieving her life’s dream.

Like the European migrant who arrived in Sydney in the mid 1960’s, almost on a whim, penniless and with little command of the English language. He sought out work in his trade, met a beautiful young lady and returned to Europe. The allure of the climate, no doubt with the sense that there was opportunity to be had back in Australia, saw them return, with their young child in tow and their journey to a successful life, through their family business, commenced.

Like the family business owner whose life long disability saw him bullied at school and eventually, leave before completing his Higher School Certificate. He found an occupation of interest, completed his apprenticeship and, today, has built a successful business employing 30 people, in a very niche element of his industry. For him, he’s not seen his disability as an impediment to his success, and thus has never adopted a victim’s approach to his life, but an opportunist’s.

Like the accountant who grew up in a dysfunctional household with a narcissistic father who was into drugs, an alcoholic mother who displayed zero maternal instincts and was subjected to years of mental and physical abuse. He kept doing his best, took the first opportunity to get out of that life when he could and chase down his future. Challenging times in business, including some costly and bruising business splits, didn’t stop him from his quest to be the best in his field. Today, with the love and support of his wife and family, the journey continues.

Certainly, there are those who experience adversity and, instead of a positive outcome, it leads to something more negative. Similarly, no doubt there is success amongst individuals whose life has not endured obstacles, and they’ve also realised their life’s dreams.

Certainly, there are those who experience adversity and, instead of a positive outcome, it leads to something more negative. Similarly, no doubt there is success amongst individuals whose life has not endured obstacles, and they’ve also realised their life’s dreams.

This Week’s Tip

Is resilience only learned through encountering adverse situations?