Edition 290 – Strategic Direction
I’ve been thinking! We, as a nation and as a people, need to have a re-think about the future of Australia. COVID 19 is proving the great disruptor. As we start to consider what life may be like on the other side, now is the time to ask ourselves, where are we heading and what do we want to look like? Here’s some of my thoughts:
- Smart Manufacturing needs to be encouraged. New industries, new products and a renewed focus on a greater ability to look after ourselves if another pandemic strikes at us (which will happen) should be invested in.
- Use our Political Stability and our Strong Democratic Focus to attract foreign business to our shores.
- Change the investment focus of the large Superannuation Funds away from office towers and shopping centres to be truly entrepreneurial. Very few countries have the financial resources that we have in superannuation. Let’s use that to support new businesses and new industries, not just new buildings.
- Climate Action, but not Climate Activism, requires consideration. Let’s do our bit to make a change, but let’s not decimate regions and the households in those regions in the process.
- Harness our strength in the Resources Sector to provide world leading, value added solutions to overseas export markets – not just the raw materials that come out of the ground.
- Invest substantially in our infrastructure. Water, Power, Public Transport and Broadband are just some areas that require further investment.
- Encourage the development of our regions and our smaller capital cities. 45% of the population live in Sydney, Melbourne or within 90 minutes of each. People will move elsewhere if there are facilities and employment opportunities to support the lifestyle benefits.
- Support the Pacific – they’re our neighbours that, of late, we’ve not done a great job of looking after. A financial and diplomatic vacuum only allows other nations, with competing interests to ours, to step in and supplant what our role should be.
- Develop tourism beyond just our natural wonders. Las Vegas and Orlando are examples of tourism meccas that evolved out of inhospitable landscapes. Why not the same here?
- Have a constructive debate around our Federation. Never again should the States have control over if and when borders are closed or lockdowns imposed, but expect the Commonwealth to foot the bill for the financial impact.
This Week’s Tip
At a time of significant disruption in our lives, why not throw everything into the mix?