Edition 254 – A Time For Thanks
As we head into Christmas, I feel it’s appropriate to give thanks at a time of year when we take a moment to reflect on what has transpired and how we’ve all come through it:
- I thank my clients for their perseverance and entrepreneurialism during a challenging year. Each of them had to make changes to their businesses this year, some bigger than others, and in the process, have learned a lot about themselves, their businesses and the people they employ.
- I thank my colleagues, as many and varied and widely spread as they are, for their wise counsel, support and collegiality.
- I thank the Australian and New South Wales Governments for the leadership they took, the decisions they made and the progress they’ve achieved. They may not have got it all right – but it’s a lot more right than in most places in the world right now.
- I thank my wife who, without her support and practical observations, none of this would be possible. I even thank her for pointing out things that, at the time, I really don’t want her to point out!
- I thank our sons who, as they make their way in the world, give me as a parent time to reflect on the journey we’ve taken, the choices we made over almost a quarter of a century and the wonderful, yet individual, identities they’ve each moulded into.
- I thank the various health professionals that have engaged with our family this year. Thankfully, none of our requirements were major. However, what support we sought proved to me how fortunate we are to live in a country where health care is so universally available and, in the main, affordable.
- I thank the small and family businesses that have proven how resilient a group of individuals and businesses they are. The unsung heroes of our economic recovery rests firmly at the feet of these businesses that have adapted so quickly throughout 2020 and, in the process, proven their worth in spades.
- I thank each and every one of you that takes a moment each Wednesday to read my thoughts. I particularly thank the many of you who, throughout 2020, have provided so much feedback to my weekly missives and have shared with me great stories of their own.
From my family to yours, whether it is Christmas you celebrate or some other denominational observance, my very best wishes for a happy, healthy and safe time of year. May 2021 bring you great prosperity, good health and just a little less of a rollercoaster ride than 2020 presented to us.
Take the time to rest up, recharge the batteries and give yourself the energy to tackle 2021 head on.