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Life in a Family Business is never the same from one day to the next.

The challenges and opportunities are framed through the prism of the experiences of the owners – in terms of where they are now, where they’ve come from and where they’re heading to.

Dean Robinson works with Family Businesses through the various transitional stages including:

Start up to toddler

Those critical early phases of business where you need someone beside you to guide you – and to help you when the training wheels come off.

Mid course corrections

When roadblocks present themselves in Family Business, you need guidance and direction as to the next stage of the journey.

Non family management

Bringing in non family management can be a big win for your Family Business from a corporate perspective – but will it meld with the culture of your Family Business?

Next generation succession

Helping you to hand the baton over to the next generation of your Family Business – and set a course for future growth.

Sale outside the family

For when the next generation aren’t there, don’t want it, aren’t suitable – or the potential for the Family is much larger by selling out of the Family Business, we are there to guide the Family through the process.
The Family Business is a living and breathing entity that requires nurturing as it transitions through its business life. Dean helps Family Businesses find the nutrients they need at the various stages of growth in order to create the healthiest vehicle to provide a return to you and your Family.
Arrange your no obligation 45 minute consultation with Dean to learn how he can help your family business.